Family Recovery, Inc.
Gary Holstad, MS, CCADC, LPC
Christy Merrett, MS, LMSW
Phone: 770-535-1073
Website: familyrecovery.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
Psycholegal Assessments, Inc.
Steven Gaskell, Psy.D.
Phone: 404-504-7039
Website: psycholegalassessments.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults
Dr. Sarah Vinson
Phone: 404-249-0520
Website: drsarahvinson.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adolescents
Dr. Harvey L. Gayer
Phone: 706-546-8440
Website: positive-outcomes.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID
Dr. Paul Cardozo
Phone: 706-546-9880
Website: paulcardozopsychologist.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID, Diana Comprehensive
A Better Tomorrow Counseling
Matthew Connolly, LPC
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescent
Barbara Kay, Psy.D., PC
Phone: 404-819-4591
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID, Diana Comprehensive
E.M. Fresh & Associates, LLC
Edith M. Fresh, Ph.D.
Phone: 404-629-3933
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
Page One & Associates, LLC
Dr. Christine J. Page, LPC, Ph.D.
Phone: 770-899-0648
Website: pageoneassociates.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID
Willie W. Whited, LCSW
Phone: 678-772-5677
Website: socialadvocacyinc.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
The Counseling Group
Caffee S. Wright, LPC, NCC
Phone: 706-772-7500
Website: thecounselinggroupaug.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
A.R. P. Counseling Georgia Department of Corrections Approved SO Treatment Provider
James Morton, LPC, LCP
Phone: 770-860-8549
Website: arpcounseling.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID
A.R. P. Counseling Georgia Department of Corrections Approved SO Treatment Provider
Jim Morton, LPC, CPCS
Phone: 770-860-8549
Website: arpcounseling.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
Psychological Forensic Associates
James E. Stark, Ph.D.
Phone: 770-541-9988
Website: starkpsychology.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID, Diana Comprehensive
Psychological Forensic Associates
James E. Stark, Ph.D.
Phone: 770-541-9988
Website: starkpsychology.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID, Diana Comprehensive
Family Recovery, Inc.
Gary Holstad, MS, CCADC, LPC
Christy Merrett, MS, LMSW
Phone: 770-535-1073
Website: familyrecovery.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
Darsey, Black & Associates, LLC
Tom Black, Ph.D.
Phone: 912-876-4010
Website: dbamh.com
Licensed Products: AASI-Adults
Adaptive Coping Responses
Randall Fannin, LCSW
Glenn Fraser, LPC
Phone: 706-638-2998
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
Counseling Services, Inc.
Shannon K. Dunlap, MS, LAPC
Phone: 706-884-5050
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents <strong>
Family Recovery, Inc.
Gary Holstad, MS, CCADC, LPC
Christy Merrett, M.S., LMSW
Phone: 770-535-1073
Website: familyrecovery.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
The Noble Path
Ronald Hughley, LCSW
Phone: 478 361-4048
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
Our motto: “Training Others to Live…with Dignity, Respect, and Hope”
The Southern Center for Choice Theory
Gloria Smith Cisse
Phone: 7478-741-1268
Website: sc4ct.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID
Page One & Associates, LLC
Dr. Christine J. Page, LPC, Ph.D.
Phone: 770-899-0648
Website: pageoneassociates.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID
Psychological Forensic Associates
James E. Stark, Ph.D.
Phone: 770-541-9988
Website: starkpsychology.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID, Diana Comprehensive
Renu Children and Family Counseling, LLC
Robert L. Sanders, M.Ed., LPC
Phone: (762) 994-0882
Website: renuchildrenfamilycounseling.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID
Family Recovery, Inc.
Gary Holstad, MS, CCADC, LPC
Christy Merrett, MS, LMSW
Phone: 770-535-1073
Website: familyrecovery.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
North Augusta
Southeastern Family Institute
E J Holt, Ph.D.
Phone: 706-829-9350
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
Glenn W. Fraser
Glenn W. Fraser, LPC
Phone: 404-819-3568
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID
John Azar-Dickens, Ph.D., PC
Dr. John Azar-Dickens
Phone: 706-232-6743
Website: drazardickens.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, Diana Comprehensive
Southeast Second Chance Inc.
Stephanie Cruwys LCSW
Phone: 912-265-2055
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID
Mosaic Psychological Services, LLC
Dr. Shannon Mullen-Magbalon, Ph.D.
Phone: 229-233-8009
Website: mosaicpsychological.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID, Diana Comprehensive
Second Chance Counseling Services, LLC
Charles E Jones, LPC, MAC
Phone: 706-595-3070
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID
Peaceway Counseling and Mediation Services
F. Tirrell Andrews, Ph.D., LMFT
Phone: 229-333-2351
Website: peacewaycms.com
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents, ABID
Clifford Hamilton LPC Counseling & Life Coaching
Clifford Hamilton, LPC
Phone: 478-247-9649
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adolescents
Warner Robin
The Pinkney Counseling Group
Phone: 478-997-0773
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
The Counseling Group
Phone: 706-554-0088
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults, AASI-Adolescents
The HopeQuest Ministry Group, Inc.
Roy A. Blankenship
Phone: (678) 391-5950
Website: hopequestgroup.org
Licensed Product(s): AASI-Adults