Q: What psychosexual assessment products does Abel Screening offer for evaluation and treatment planning?
A: Abel Screening has developed and currently licenses three assessment products for use by clinicians:
• The Abel Assessment for sexual interest-3™ for Men and Women (AASI-3)
• The Abel Assessment for sexual interest-2™ for Boys and Girls ages 12-17 (AASI-2)
• The Abel-Blasingame Assessment System for individuals with intellectual disabilities™ (ABID)
Q: Who can be given an Abel Assessment?
A: AASI-3 clients must be age 18 and older and must be able to read at a 7th grade level. The AASI-2 can be administered to clients ages 12 - 17. The ABID can be administered to developmentally disabled clients.
Q: What other products does Abel Screening offer?
A: In addition to its evaluation and treatment planning products, Abel Screening also provides The Diana Screen®.
Q: How can a clinician use ASI's Evaluation and Treatment planning products?
A: The Abel Assessments collect comprehensive data specifically designed to objectively measure a client's sexual interest. The assessments provide a range of valuable information organized in one detailed report. All Abel Screening assessments allow clinicians to objectively measure clients' sexual interest in children, and write evidence-based reports based on these findings.
Q: How are Abel Assessments administered?
A: Abel Assessments are administered on a Windows® laptop. Abel Assessments cannot be used on tablets or desktops and must be run on a Windows® based laptop with a corded mouse. An internet connection is required to transmit data after the assessment is completed.
Laptop Specifications
Screen Size: Standard - 14" and 15", Widescreen - 15" and 17"
Abel Assessment systems support the following Operating Systems
Windows® 11
Windows® 10
If you have technical questions concerning the compatibility of your existing laptop with Abel Screening software, please call our technical support line at 404.874.4772 ext. 2.
Q: Who can administer an Abel Assessment?
A: Clinicians who are licensed to practice in their respective states, own an Abel Assessment psychosexual evaluation product and have passed the AASI/ABID Brief Exam are eligible to administer Abel Assessments. For more information on becoming an administrator, please call 404.874.4772 or complete our contact form to submit your request electronically.
Q: Does Abel Screening provide training on administering its assessments?
A: All new Abel screening clinicians, and existing clinicians who would like a refresher, can register for our free Basic Administration and Interpretation webinars offered monthly. Abel Screening clinicians are also encouraged to schedule consultations with one of our Abel Screening experts to assist in understanding and interpreting individual client results. Consultations are free and unlimited to Abel Screening clinicians.
Q: I am not a clinician but am interested in taking an assessment or having someone take an assessment. What can I do?
A: Visit the Licensed AASI Clinicians page. Here you will find a list of current Licensed AASI Clinicians and the products they offer. Note the listings are not a complete list of all clinical practices using The Abel Assessment Systems. This list includes only those clinicians who have requested to be listed on our website. Many other clinical practices across North America use The Abel Assessment Systems. For additional clinical practice referrals not found on this website, please call Abel Screening at 404-874-4772, Ext 4., or submit a request through the Contact Us page, specifying your location and the type of evaluation or treatment tool you seek.
Q: Has the AASI been accepted in court?
A: Use and acceptance of Abel Assessments has grown dramatically over the past decade. Today many federal and state agencies, as well as professional organizations, have made these comprehensive psychosexual assessments part of their standards for the evaluation and treatment of people with sexual behavior problems.