Research & Development
The Abel Assessment psychosexual evaluation systems have been empirically validated and are supported by over 95 published scientific articles. Abel Screening continues to collect research data and maintains the largest national database with detailed information about people with sexual behavior problems. Abel Screening continually seeks new and improved ways to evaluate and assist in the prevention of sexual abuse and other sexual behavior problems
Scientific Support for Visual Reaction Time
Abel, G.G., Jordan, A., Rouleau, J.L., Emerick, R., Barboza-Whitehead, S. and Osborn, C. (2004). Use of Visual Reaction Time to assess male adolescents who molest children. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 255-265.
Abel, G.G., Jordan, A., Hand, C.G., Holland, L.A. and Phipps, A. (2001). Classification models of child molesters utilizing the Abel Assessment for sexual interests"'. Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal, 25(5), 703-718.
Abel, G.G., Huffman, J., Warberg, B.W., and Holland, C.L. (1998). Visual Reaction Time and plethysmography as measures of sexual interest in child molesters. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp.81-95.
Abel, G.G., Lawry, S.S., Karlstrom, E.M., Osborn, C.A. and Gillespie, C.F.(1994). Screening tests for pedophilia. Criminal Justice and Behavior, Sage Publications, 21 (1), 115-131.
Abel, G. G., Phipps, A., Hand, C. G., & Jordan, A. D. (1999). The reliability and validity of Visual Reaction Time as a measure of sexual interest in children. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. Lake Buena Vista, Florida
Abel, G.G., Rouleau, J.L., Lawry, SS., Barrett, J.H. and Camp, N.L. (1990). A non-invasive, physiologic measure of adult sexual preference. Paper presented at The International Academy of Sex Research, Sigtuna, Sweden.
Abel, G.G., Wiegel, M. (2009). Visual Reaction Time: Development, Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Beyond. Sex Offenders: Identification, Risk Assessment, Treatment and Legal Issues. Oxford University Press, pp. 101-118.
Blasingame, G. (2005). Developmentally disabled persons with sexual behavior problems (2nd ed.). Oklahoma City, OK USA: Wood & Barnes Publishing.
Brown, M., Amoroso, D.M., Ware, E.E Pruesse, M., Pilkey, D.W. (1973). Factors affecting viewing time of pornography. Journal of Social Psychology, 90, 125-135.
Dion, K.K. (1977). The incentive value of physical attractiveness for young children. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 3, 67-70.
Harris, G.T., Rice, M.E., Quinsey, V.L. & Chaplin, T.C.(1996). Viewing time as a measure of sexual interest among child molesters and normal heterosexual men. Behavior Research and Therapy, 34, 389-394.
Johnson, S.A. and Listiak, A. The measurement of sexual preference: A preliminary comparison of phallometry and the Abel assessment. The Sex Offender, Vol. III, Chapter 26, Schwartz, B.K. (Ed.) Civic Research Institute.
Jones, C. D., Chancey R., Lowe L., Risler, E., (2010). Residential Treatment for Sexually Abusive Youth: An Assessment of Treatment Outcomes Research on Social Work Practice 2010 20: 172.
Kalmus, E., & Beech, A. R. (2005). Forensic assessment of sexual interest: A review Aggression and Violent Behavior Vol. 10, pp. 193-217.
Krueger, R.B. and Bradford, J.M.W. (1998). Report from the committee on sex offenders: The Abel Assessment for sexual interest—A brief description. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 277-280.
Letourneau, E.J.(2002). A comparison of objective measures of sexual arousal and interest: Visual Reaction Time & and penile plethysmography. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, Vol. 14, No.3, pp. 207-223.
Love, R.E., Sloan, L.R. & Schmidt, M.J. (1976). Viewing pornography and sex guilt: The priggish, the prudent, and the profligate. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76, 624-629.
Martin, B. (1964). Expression and inhibition of sex motive arousal in college males. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 68, 307312.
Power, TG., Hildebrandt, K.A., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (1982). Adults' responses to infants varying in facial expression and perceived attractiveness. Infant Behavior and Development, 5, 33-44.
Quinsey, V.L., Rice, M.E., Harris, G.T. and Reid, K.S. (1993). The phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of sexual age preference in males: Conceptual and measurement issues. In Barbaree, H., Marshall, W.L. and Hudson, S.M. (Eds.), The Juvenile Sex Offender, Guilford Press, New York, pp. 143-163.
Quinsey, V. L Ketsetzis, M., Earls, C., & Karamanoukian, A. (1996). Viewing time as a measure of sexual interest. Ethology & Sociobiology,17(5), 341 - 354.
Rosenzweig, S. (1942). The photoscope as an objective device for evaluating sexual interest. Psychosomatic Medicine, 4, 150-158. Singer, B. (1984). Conceptualizing sexual arousal and attraction. Journal of Sex Research, 20, 230 - 240.
Singer, B., & Toates, F. M. (1987). Sexual Motivation. <i>Journal of Sex Research, 23, 481 - 501
Tong, Dean (2007). The Penile Plethysmograph, Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest, and MSI-II: Are They Speaking the Same Language? The American Journal of Family Therapy, 35:3, 187 - 202
Ware, E.E., Brown, M., Amoroso, D.M., Pilkey, D.W., & Pruesse, M. (1972). The semantic meaning of pornography stimuli for college males. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 4, 204-209.
Wiegel, Markus (2008). <i>Adult Women who Sexually Abuse Minors: Description and Assessment Instrument Validation. Doctoral Dissertation. Boston University. Boston, Massachusetts.
Wright, L.W. and Adams, H.E. (1994). Assessment and sexual preference using a choice reaction time task. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 16: 221-231.
Wright, L. W., & Adams, H. E. (1999). The effects of stimuli that vary in erotic content on cognitive processes. Journal of Sex Research, 36, 145 - 151.
Zamansky, H. S. (1956). A technique for measuring homosexual tendencies. <i>Journal of Personality, 24, 436-448.
Zolondek, S. C., Abel, G. G., Northey, W. F., & Jordan, A. D. (2001). The self-reported behaviors of juvenile sexual offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16(1), 73 - 85.​​​​
Does the Abel Assessment of Sexual Interest Meet the Daubert Criteria for Evidence?
Below is a summary from an independent article initially published on, however, the website is no longer supported. Clinicians interested in this topic may contact Abel Screening to request a copy of the article by submitting a request on our Contact Us page.
"SUMMARY: Many of the criticisms of the AASI were leveled against an earlier instrument, the Abel Screen. Other cases examined the AASI in the first version, early in the use of the instrument. Some criticism were valid, while other criticisms appear to reflect insufficient knowledge on the part of the testifying expert, and the Court consequently was not fully informed. The test is now in the third version. Ongoing research continually adds to our knowledge of the test. In my opinion, all the criticisms leveled have been addressed, and the test does meet the Daubert criteria."